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board-busdev-thought-leaders message

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Subject: SBOM VEX opportunities

I'd be happy to discuss what I think are the SBOM/VEX opportunities for OASIS sometime. It can't be at bizdev meetings because of conflict but we could set up ad how meetings

But if we are serious about cybersecurity and/or supply chain - we should figure out how to leverage Cybersecurity Automation Village that we run.

iPhone, iTypo, iApologize

Duncan Sparrell
sFractal Consulting, LLC
I welcome VSRE emails. Learn more at http://vsre.info/

From: duncan sfractal.com <duncan@sfractal.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 10:11:23 AM
To: Jane Harnad <jharnad@oasis-open.org>; Jason Keirstead <jason.keirstead@cyware.com>; Jane Ginn <jane.ginn@gmail.com>
Cc: Bret Jordan <bret.jordan.sdo@gmail.com>
Subject: Thomas, CSAF, SecObserve for Village
Jane, Jason, Jane,
Thomas Schmidt is with German Gov equivalent to CISA. It would be great is someone could recruit him into participating in the Cybersecurity Automation Village. Also he mentions a tool below that it would be great to recruit in whoever is making that tool. I'm in transit from our vac home to VA as first leg on way to ITU for SG17 so I won't be much help for next couple weeks. Bret is already in Switzerland so I'm guessing same for him.

iPhone, iTypo, iApologize

Duncan Sparrell
sFractal Consulting, LLC
I welcome VSRE emails. Learn more at http://vsre.info/

From: csaf@lists.oasis-open.org <csaf@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Schmidt, Thomas <thomas.schmidt@bsi.bund.de>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 03:09
To: csaf@lists.oasis-open.org <csaf@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [csaf] New tool: SecObserve
Dear colleagues,
a new tool is working on implementing CSAF support: https://github.com/MaibornWolff/SecObserve/discussions/1106

Best wishes,

Thomas Schmidt

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