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Subject: Re: genericode csd04wd04 prepared

Please forgive me, but in my haste I neglected to change the filenames to read "csd04wd04" and they incorrectly read "csd04wd03". But the content correctly reads "csd04wd04".

I will try to ensure this does not happen again.

. . . . . Ken

At 2021-08-12 21:56 -0400, G. Ken Holman wrote:
Fellow Code List Representation TC members,

I have pulled together genericode csd04wd04 for your review:


Archive only files:

The XSLT is not finalized as I'm awaiting feedback from Erlend (and you!), but I've put it in as a placebo for now. To see the latest results, look here:


I have added the informative annex describing the transformation XSLT.

The current genericode specification does not include any XML examples. I think the package would be improved with a couple of examples.

Jim C., do you see any problem with me including a couple of examples from http://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf/v5.0/cs01/schema/ in a genericode samples directory?

I'm going to include a couple of examples from http://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf/v5.0/cs01/schema/ in that directory as well.

Natalie and Andrea, would you have any example GC files to include in the distribution for readers?

Then I'll use the sample transformation to create the JSON files. That will allow a reader to see the JSON without having to run the transformation.

If no-one can see any problems with that, I'll add samples to the next revision. By then I will have Erlend's feedback and possibly a final transformation.

I hope you can find some time in our summer break to look at this. I have been having a hard time making the time to work on it ... I'm worried I'm too close to it by now that I will miss problems with it.

Enjoy the break!

. . . . . Ken

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