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Subject: Re: [codelist] Issue discovered assembling CSD04

Thank you for spotting this issue.
A new informative annex is not a technical change so if nobody objects please add the new annex to CSD04.

> Il giorno 28 set 2021, alle ore 20:13, G. Ken Holman <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com> ha scritto:
> Fellow CLR TC members,
> In assembling the final CSD04 for our next meeting, I noticed an inadvertent omission. There is no informative annex talking about the example Schematron script included in the distribution that can be used to validate a genericode instance.
> At our last meeting we agreed to put forward CSD04WD05 as CSD04.
> I would like to add the missing annex to the document we vote on at our next meeting.
> Does anyone have an objection to that? Please let me know by Thursday. I see no problems since we haven't had our first vote yet, but I can always punt this issue into the public review.
> If I don't hear from anyone, I will create a CSD04 with the required non-normative annex.
> Thank you for your patience with my editing.
> . . . . . Ken
> --
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