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Subject: Re: [csaf] E-Mail motion to submit current editor draft as CSD 01 / CSDPR 01

Thank you, Stefan! I second this motion.

Omar Santos 
PSIRT, Security Research and Operations 
Cisco Systems
Email: os@cisco.com

ïOn 7/28/21, 1:23 PM, "csaf@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Mr. Stefan Hagen" <csaf@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of stefan@hagen.link> wrote:

    Dear TC members,

    due to our scheduled meeting today not achieving quorum I hereby submit the following motion and request that if seconded and no objection received per this list before one week has passed on 2021-08-05 18:00 UTC to automatically carry. The Chair will of course subsequently state the result per mail to this list when the period has passed.

    Stefan Hagen moves that the TC approve CSAF Version 2.0 Working Draft and all associated artifacts uniquely identified by below listed URLs and packaged together in a zip file as Committee Specification Draft 01 and designate the markdown version of the specification as authoritative and direct the Chair supported by the Editors to perform any tasks as required by TC Admin to facilitate that issuance. I further move that the TC approve submitting CSAF Version 2.0 Committee Specification Draft 01 for 30 days public review and direct the Chair perform any tasks as required by TC Admin to facilitate that issuance.

    The referenced URLs for the 4 artifacts we submit to TC Admins are:

    * https://github.com/oasis-tcs/csaf/blob/ca2d9a872b3ce7249c41532961507490724158d6/csaf_2.0/prose/csaf-v2-editor-draft.md
    * https://github.com/oasis-tcs/csaf/blob/ca2d9a872b3ce7249c41532961507490724158d6/csaf_2.0/json_schema/aggregator_json_schema.json
    * https://github.com/oasis-tcs/csaf/blob/ca2d9a872b3ce7249c41532961507490724158d6/csaf_2.0/json_schema/csaf_json_schema.json
    * https://github.com/oasis-tcs/csaf/blob/ca2d9a872b3ce7249c41532961507490724158d6/csaf_2.0/json_schema/provider_json_schema.json

    All the best,

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