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Subject: Agenda for 6/6 Working Call

Hey everyone,


I don’t think we sent an agenda out for the working call tomorrow, sorry! Here’s our planned list of topics:


1.       Status Updates and Brief Discussion

a.       Motions in progress

b.       Items ready for motions

c.       Items ready for final review

d.       Other items getting close

2.       Discussion

a.       PII Fields – Led by Allan

b.       Malware and Attack Pattern

                                                               i.      Malware vs. Malicious Tool vs. Tool

                                                             ii.      Representation of external IDs for CAPEC and anti-virus names

c.       Other topics, with time remaining

                                                               i.      Character encoding issues

                                                             ii.      i18n

3.       Call for Volunteers

a.       Target and Identity

b.       Incident and Asset

c.       COA


We have a TON of items in that status updates bucket. I’ll try to be quick on the call but I think we’re getting ready to finalize things like: external IDs, kill chains, bundle, report, indicator type vocab (!!!!!), character encoding and more basic types, and many more. Awesome work everyone!



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