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Subject: Re: [cti-taxii] Re: [EXT] [cti-taxii] The "meaning" of media types in STIX 2.x

This is also my understanding. However, we currently donât have the ability for a client to tell the TAXII Server what STIX object versions it understands via accept headers. 

I donât think we should use accept headers to tell the server what STIX object versions a client understands. Now that STIX version is an object attribute, I think itâs simply a query parameter on the endpoints. 

On Sep 13, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Jason Keirstead <Jason.Keirstead@ca.ibm.com> wrote:

The way I see things, the ACCEPT is referring to the bundle version. The things in the bundle can be other versions. That is why we added the spec_version to the objects.

This is necessary because it is going to be extremely common for people to create new 2.1 objects and relationship them to 2.0 already-existing objects that they do not own and therefore can not up-version.

IE - the way Drew described it, I think works, and IMO we should just leave everything alone :)

Jason Keirstead
Lead Architect - IBM.Security

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." - Unknown

From:        Bret Jordan <Bret_Jordan@symantec.com>
To:        Drew Varner <drew.varner@ninefx.com>, "cti-taxii@lists.oasis-open.org" <cti-taxii@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date:        09/12/2018 09:35 PM
Subject:        [cti-taxii] Re: [EXT] [cti-taxii] The "meaning" of media types in STIX 2.x
Sent by:        <cti-taxii@lists.oasis-open.org>

Great question Drew.

A few points of clarification.  In STIX 2.1 there is currently no spec_version property on Bundle.  So there is no way to know if the Bundle wrapper is conforming to a certain version of the STIX specification.  I have recently asked that we add this.  If others agree, then we should try and get that in the next working draft.

Another part of the question is, should the Bundle wrapper really be defined in TAXII as well?  Meaning, should the Bundle we a TAXII thing.  This would keep the wrapper under the TAXII media type, which would simplify some things.  

The last part, if I a client gives a STIX media type in the accept header, and the accept header is version=2.1, should the server be allowed to send back 2.0 or 2.2 content?  My guess is probably not.  But I am not sure we are super clear about that in the spec. We should look to add some clarifying text in the next TAXII working draft.


From: cti-taxii@lists.oasis-open.org <cti-taxii@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Drew Varner <drew.varner@ninefx.com>
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:27:06 PM
[EXT] [cti-taxii] The "meaning" of media types in STIX 2.x

My understanding of what the TAXII media type means has changed.

In 2.0, I understood `application/vnd.oasis.taxii+json; version=2.0` to mean âI am dealing with STIX 2.0 Objectsâ. This was largely by inference, where a 2.0 request received a 2.0 Bundle that seemed to allow only objects with the same STIX version.

Now, when I see a media type of `application/stix+json;version=2.1` I think âIâm receiving or sending a STIX 2.1 Bundle.â It could contain STIX 2.0 and/or 2.1 Objects. The only thing I know is that the Bundle itself adheres to the STIX 2.1 standard.

Does the media type in content negotiation represent anything more than the Bundle version in use? To know what STIX versions are in use, Iâd have to inspect objects in the Bundle. I think implicitly, the media type should represent an upper-bound on underlying STIX JSON versions we send, accept or return. I donât know if thatâs the case.

- Drew
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