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Subject: Re: [cti-interoperability] Re: [cti] Re: [EXT] [cti-interoperability] Motion for Open Repository for CTI Interop Issue Tracking

Oh I miss read this, I would support this as a TC Repo not an Open Repo.


From: cti-interoperability@lists.oasis-open.org <cti-interoperability@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of John-Mark Gurney <jmg@newcontext.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 6:05:18 PM
To: Back, Greg
Cc: Bret Jordan; Allan Thomson; OASIS CTI TC list; Interoperability Subcommittee
Subject: [cti-interoperability] Re: [cti] Re: [EXT] [cti-interoperability] Motion for Open Repository for CTI Interop Issue Tracking
Back, Greg wrote this message on Wed, May 23, 2018 at 21:58 +0000:
> I’m fine with either, but I’ll point out that a motion to create an open repo is very different from a motion to create a TC repo. Based on what Allan is saying in the purpose statement, it’s probably more suitable as a TC repo [1], using this form [2]. Again, I would be in support of either one, though.

If there is no code in the repo, then I'm fine w/ an Open repo.

If there will be "code" (i.e. contents in git), then I will agree w/
this should be a TC repo instead.  Due to how our business agreements
are structured, I cannot contribute "code" to an open repo.  I do read
this as I'm fine contributing to issues of an open repo.

Isn't there a document that people who provide feed back via the
public comment period have to sign when submitting responses?
Sounds like that could help in this situation.

> On 2018-05-22, 20:07, "cti@lists.oasis-open.org<mailto:cti@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Bret Jordan" <cti@lists.oasis-open.org<mailto:cti@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Bret_Jordan@symantec.com<mailto:Bret_Jordan@symantec.com>> wrote:
> I second this, however, I would suggest the name just be cti-interop this way as an official work product repo, we could use it for other interop related things.  Yes, obviously, it will have an issue tracker, but we could do other things with it as well.
> Bret
> ________________________________
> From: cti-interoperability@lists.oasis-open.org <cti-interoperability@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Allan Thomson <athomson@lookingglasscyber.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 4:45:42 PM
> To: OASIS CTI TC list
> Cc: Interoperability Subcommittee
> Subject: [EXT] [cti-interoperability] Motion for Open Repository for CTI Interop Issue Tracking
> I move that the TC approve by unanimous consent requesting OASIS to set up an OASIS Open Repository named cti-interop-issues using the following pieces of information:
>       * Purpose Statement: A CTI-Interoperability issue tracking repository
>       * Initial Maintainers: Allan Thomson, Jason Keirstead
>       * Open Source License: BSD-3-Clause License
>       * GitHub Name: cti-interop-issues
>       * Short Description: OASIS Open Repository: CTI-Interop Issue Tracking
> If there have been no objections by Friday, 25th May, 8am PST, I will submit the form [1] to request OASIS staff to create the repository.
>     [1]: https://clicktime.symantec.com/a/1/O_ihu1E08Xl2-dCkw-ASiK6V6aRPMzaHPgA8JWCVguA=?d=uExWX7fZn2Kl6plF49kKe_LZP8lrMkLtXgjcy41DR0Fu0FSDcexzZAqC2nn1IMYh1vZ5FISBNpMlibp8Q0YGdjpkIAvhfVRjM1dsDF7cV4gT9qa8h0OjnyVkwC9MH38YSKD2lIHqyY8rhnZXjDuzWpBtp-VTHGRkjFV0W281F9vYddlnNEAE25ie-1Nhr0af-1LmnMK3x4VacBd2yc3UUhapIM5Pqqb-yRWtSq1ZVe0EGfmckl5y8-UwGLKOPkChB785CerSuPcODwZCi8FkAo5apC1IyU_dwL9khyfWaWdeH9AkaMHufWKd5VmISpiqqD5sPRcc9KLHxJQ_oIEHIjQQjQRnSPNRM6xRsDeD8nYOLsbdk6iZwtmXnnNOsf4riJlDR8Bh2-ZNEkQF5Kbql5CIO0Bj-vXyUHnKYHCAjWuD7fSaz6YXLfHN71fJx4whN1cAV3AA_F8MAUW8uP9AXd6s3VH576SP6yheifXsvXSPrvmnnX2t1VHrp2KdF36FZzPIqViSYyR4Mk5GEw%3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oasis-open.org%2Fresources%2Ftc-admin-requests%2Fopen-repository-request
> Allan


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