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Subject: Nomination of Stephen Russett as Interoperability SC co-chair

Hey, y'all -

On our last full TC call we opened nominations for the
Interoperability SC co-chair seat recently vacated by Allan
Thomson. We have received one nomination and second for Stephen
Russett (CTIN) to serve in that leadership position.

If any TC member objects to approving the appointment of Stephen to
this position, please speak up on this mailing list.

If there are no objections, we will welcome Stephen as our new
Interoperability SC co-chair on Monday. If you have any questions,
please reach out to Rich and/or myself.

Trey & Rich

Trey Darley
CTI Strategist, CERT.be
Co-chair, OASIS CTI TC
CERT.be / Centre for Cyber Security Belgium
Mail: trey.darley@cert.be
GPG: CA5B 29E4 937E 151E 2550  6607 AE9A 7FF2 8000 0E4E
Web: https://www.cert.be
Under the authority of the Prime Minister
rue de la Loi 16/Wetstraat 16, 1000 Brussels - Belgium

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