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Subject: Re: [cti] Incident Extension Draft


This is great. We really need this. I agree with your roadmap of moving this to a top-level extension for a future draft.


On 8/2/2021 11:30 AM, Mates, Jeffrey CIV DC3/TSD wrote:
Based on a number of internal discussions I wanted to provide a draft for a
proposed Incident property extension for general community consideration.
I've attached the raw JSON Schema of the current draft (still not on GitHub)
as well as three examples using it.  Since currently the Incident object
exists as a stub I am hoping that with some community feedback this could be
shared and provide a more general way to share this information.

While it is currently drafted as a property extension, if there is general
agreement that whatever we arrive at is solid I could change this to a
top-level extension before sharing to prepare it to eventually be moved into
the spec as part of a future version of STIX.


Jeffrey Mates, Civ DC3/TSD
Computer Scientist
Technical Solutions Development

R. Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP
OASIS, CTI TC Secretary
OASIS, TAC TC Secretary

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