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Subject: Action Items: 07-09-2019 Adoption TC Meeting

                  ACTION ITEMS
		   DITA Adoption Meeting Agenda 
Attending: Keith, Scott, Joe, Stan, Joyce
1. Document reviews:
   a. Review Scott's May 3 email on DITA/LwDITA 1.0 migration strategy.
      > Keep as an email for now; revisit late this year. 	  
	  > Eventually turn it into a procedure.
	  > Wiki - migration
   b. Review Stan's June 30 email about a DITA conversion
	  > Valuable - put up on wiki for group editing.
	  > AI/Stan: create thewiki and put the checklist text 
	    up there for discussion/review.
2. DITA samples development
   a. Keith: Finish up the B-25 sample work.
      - Added the <desc> and <alt> elements + accompanying text. 
	    233 images.
	  - AI/Keith: Make the tables accessible (1.3 markup).
	  - AI/Keith: Ping Scott when the updates are complete.
      - AI/Scott: Run the converter against the updated files.
	  - AI/Scott: Ping Keith hen you arwe done do he can 
	    begin the repo transfer. 
   b. Stan: Updated the wiki on sample documentation sets based on 
      research completed for the April 2019 CIDM conference.
	  > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/ditaSourceSets
   c. AI/Keith: Work up a internal pitch -- "how not to bomb with DITA".
      > Blog draft form

3. DITA User's Guide
   1. AI/Keith: Apply the proposed DITAUsers' Guide template for DITA 
      commands to the <strong>/<em> DIA 2.0 proposal.
   2. Discuss: 
      a. How would this guide be different from the spec? from 
	     existing books?
		 - Working examples - how does something work? 
      b. WebHelp for every element (a la DocBook Definitive Guide)
	  c. Look at flow in existing books?
      d. Mashup integrated with the spec content?  	  
	  e. AI/Stan - create a wiki page for DUG.
	  f. All - Populate the wiki page.
	     > Come up with DITA 2.0 examples first.
		 > DITA 1.3 examples with issues.
		 > GOAL: List candidates for features examples.

4. Opportunities for writing:
   1. Stan: Consider working up a CIDM article on DITA sample doc sets.
      > In progress.
   2. All: Discuss developing a separate whitepaper on DITA 1.3 flagging 
      best practices. Include revision marking and PDF changebar 
   3. All: Explore the role that <set> could play in DITA 2.0.

5. Whitepapers :
   1. AI/Stan: Follow through with Jan Goller re: his issues with scoped keys 
      in our whitepaper.
   2. Discuss: Whitepaper submission process.
      a. Is it a requirement to source ATC whitepapers in DITA?
	  b. If so, by what process do we put content into some 
         whitepaper-ready DITA structure?
      c. If not, is publishing whitepaper content via OASIS-generated
         Word docs sufficient?
   3. AI/Keith: Continue progress on "How keys should be implemented" 
      whitepaper (Q3).
   4. AI/Stan: Build out some working content badging samples to 
      support the writing in the badging whitepaper (Q3).
      > GitHub: https://github.com/StanDoherty/dita-badges	 
6. Parking lot items
   a. All: Consider creating some LwDITA versions of the content? 
      Word/GoogleDoc can be converted to MDITA and from there to 
	  > Whitepaper - another output type

7. Upcoming ATC meetings
   > Tuesday, September 3
   > Tuesday, October 1 
   > Tuesday, November 5    
   > Tuesday, December 3	  

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