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Subject: Groups - Rev2 - DITA sources for an internal doc on authoring whitepapers for TC stylesheets uploaded

Submitter's message
FYI -- Updated sources for an internal doc on authoring white papers.
-- Dr. Stanley Doherty
Document Name: Rev2 - DITA sources for an internal doc on authoring whitepapers for TC stylesheets

Since last Friday, I incorporated the additional plug-in information in the
README.txt that Kris flagged. All good stuff.
I stopped short of proposing and ATC-specific requirements or best
practices for white papers. The TC template for the committee note (with a
few tweaks) may be sufficient -- we'll need to test it with some real white
paper content.
I have attached the Rev2 PDF in a separate Kavi document.
Download Latest Revision
Public Download Link

Submitter: Dr. Stanley Doherty
Group: OASIS DITA Adoption TC
Folder: Best Practices
Date submitted: 2020-01-07 07:33:19

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