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Subject: Component Specialization Ready for Eliot

I've thoroughly scrubbed the sidsc-component specialization. The changes that Tom Cihak made were done properly. In the process of creating a basic XSLT override for the DITA-OT plugin, I discovered many small issues (and a few major ones).
Now everything seems to be working as expected. I get good XHTML output, leveraging a healthy mix of fall-back and custom stylesheet processing. Of course, that's what DITA is all about!
The attached file is in the plugin (which you can download from the OASIS site). It is the result of running the sample (which is described in the README.html).
I am satisfied that the specialization is ready for an Eliot review.
seth park
information architect
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

DITA IP-Component Preview

General Component Information for imask

Brief Description

interrupt mask block

Full Description

The imask block is used to enable IC's to

Unit Address: 0x0000

Component Data Key: Address1

Component Data Value:0x5000

Memory Maps Information

Primary Memory Map

Bits in Lau: 8

Memory Map Class: Data

Address Blocks Information

Primary Address Block

Brief Description

This address block is where most of the registers are found.

Full Description

When writing to this address block, it is important to understand that doing so may over-write any work previously done to other address blocks. The following table may not be helpful.
Table 1. Lesser Blocks
Name Over-write?
A Yes
B Yes
C Yes

Address Block Properties

Base Address: 0x0000

Range: 31:0

Width: 32

Byte Order: H2L

Registers Information


Too Much Information

Brief Description

The TMI registers indicate a TMI condition

Full Description

Then the TMI registers indicate a TMI condition, plug the information leak. If the TMI registers are a negative value, you may need to increase the data rate

Register Properties

Bits in Lau: 8

Offset: 0x0C

Size: 4

Access: R/W

Rest Value: 0xFFFF

Bit Order: bitOrder

Reset Trigger: HRESET_B

Dimension Information
Dimension Value: dimVal
Dimension Increment: dimInc

Bit Fields Information


Brief Description

Information Control Valve

Full Description

This bit determines whether information is allowed to pass through the bus. Use this bit to control TMI conditions

Register Properties

Bit Numbers: 1

Bit Width: 1

Bit Offset: 0

Access: RW

Radix: bfRad

Reset: 0
Trigger: TMICB set
Source: System
Trigger: power-on-reset

0 clear information valve is open; TMI conditions may ensue
1 set information valve is closed; TMI conditions can not occur

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