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Subject: [dita-translation] DITA Translation Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: 23 October 2006



JoAnn T. Hackos, PhD


Comtech Services, Inc.

710 Kipling Street, Suite 400

Denver, CO 80215





DITA Translation Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: 23 October 2006

(Recorded by JoAnn Hackos (joann.hackos@comtech-serv.com>)

The DITA Translation Subcommittee met on Monday, 23October 2006 at 08:00am PT
for 55 minutes.

1.  Roll call

        Bob Doyle
        Nancy Harrison
        Kevin Farwell
        Robert Anderson
      	Andrzej Zydron
	Don Day
	Rodolfo Raya
        JoAnn Hackos

    Special guests from DITA TC:

2.  Accept Minutes[1] from 16 October 2006

    Accepted. [JoAnn moved, Robert seconded.]

3.  Review open action items

    ACTION: Nancy Harrison to work on examples of multi-language documents 
    this week and we'll formulate a  definition next meeting.


    ACTION: Andrzej to update conref best practice document


4.  Returning business: 

    4.1 Review and approve the final revision of the TM best practices. 

        ACTION: Gershon to discuss with Don getting the Index and TM best 
        practices into DITA markup and create the XSLT to generate OASIS cover
        pages and format.

    4.2 Reviewed Andrzej's draft of the best practices on conref; made recommendations for additions. 
        Andrzej will revise.

--- Meeting adjourned at 8:55 ---

    4.1 Review Rodolfo’s XLIFF article outline at the Heartsome wiki address


    If anyone wants to add sections, comments or any idea, please go ahead and change the wiki.

    Other continued action items if available.

5.  New Business:

    Work with Christian Lieske to get final draft of the DITA/Translation analysis that he will
    present at tekom/OASIS Open source day in Wiesbaden.

[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-translation/200610/msg00009.html

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