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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook Slides Customziation Parameters only for HTML?

Darya Said-Akbari <darya_akbari@yahoo.com>, 2006-09-11 12:34 +0200:

> I. Slides FO Parameters
> [none]
> What does the "[none]" exactly means? I think there
> are FO parameters. At least I can see a number of
> <xsl:param> in plain.xsl.

Yeah, I see those now. But none of them are documented. The
reference docs are all automatically generated from documentation
embedded in the the slides/xsl/param.xweb file. It looks like
those FO params were never added to the param.xweb source. I guess
we need to add them. I will try to see that that gets done for the
next release.


Michael(tm) Smith


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