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Subject: RE: [ebxml-iic-msg] A (rough) draft of the Test Framework

- the "Wire" Test Driver is your Test Driver , just a renaming of  Message test Driver (because it crafts and capture
messages at wire / transport level, as opposed to through the MSH application interface)
- the App test Driver is doing same thing,  except it controls the MSH just for sending messages, and
through its Message Service interface (app interface) - could say its a Test Driver with an adapter to MSH app interface.  
only useful to drive interoperability tests. The idea here is that for many (if not all) interop testings,
we control test cases from the app layer - we don't mess at wire level - unless some tests require to.
(opinion of the Interop team here?)
I'm open to other suggestions.
Trying to identify test components needed to support both conformance and interoperability.
Don't get the "creeps" on this creeping AT driver :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:matt@xmlglobal.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 6:21 AM
To: Jacques Durand
Cc: ebxml-iic-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic-msg] A (rough) draft of the Test Framework


This looks quite good, but i am a bit disturbed at how the AT-Driver thing creeped back in, and what is this "WT-Driver". My understanding was that we were going to work with the following two concepts:

- TestDriver

- TestService


On Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 02:22 PM, Jacques Durand wrote:


here is an initial draft of the ebXML Test Framework, for review.

Clearly, this is just asnapshot of a work still in progress.

(still very incomplete, needs editing in many place).

But this is to get early feedback, for finding out major problems or issues as soon as possible.

I can serve as ultimate editor for this document, unless someone wants to.

But I'd prefer CTTF and ITTF folks to focus on their MS Test Suite docs (separate from this one)...

(from which this doc will borrow anyway, especially in the "Test Case Representation" section)

- As I mentioned before, this document is ONLY intended - a priori - for describing

a test Framework (architecture, components, functions, interfaces, mark-up for test cases / test suites, schemas).

It does NOT describe the actual test Suites for MS Conformance and Interoperability: these will be

defined in a separate document(s), though they will assume to run and be expressed with the Test Framework material.

- Somehow the draft is still (mostly) focused on MS testing, but the ambition of the Framework, as it evolves, is

to be a basis for testing other ebXML specs.

- Note the renaming / modification of Service/Actions, based on some recent discussions. To be improved...

- Please look at the example sequence of Test Steps given in section 3.5 (Executing Test Cases). It is critical to

agree soon enough about what test steps are, can do, what is the general protocol we may follow

from one test case to the other, etc.

Note: The minutes of the last week meeting(s) are still in the work: a bit of time shortage right now...



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