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emergency-adopt message

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Subject: RE: [emergency-adopt-events] Meeting Reminder

Please use the following number at 11:00AM EST TODAY - we need to make a
collective decision regarding the event.

The call in number is below:

US Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1600   Access Code: 505991#

International Dial-in Numbers:

. Austria - 0820 4000 1552
. Belgium - 070 35 9974
. France - 0826 100 256
. Germany - 01805 00 76 09
. Ireland - 0818 270 021
. Italy - 848 390 156
. Netherlands - 0870 001 920
. Spain - 902 886025
. Switzerland - 0848 560 179
. UK - 0870 35 204 74

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Gannon [mailto:pgannon@warningsystems.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 10:09 AM
To: tferrentino@verizon.net; dreese@esi911.com; 'Dee Schur'
Cc: emergency-adopt-events@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [emergency-adopt-events] Meeting Reminder

Tom, Dean,

I am now confused by the announcement that Dee Schur sent out this morning
with a different conference call phone number that overlaps with our
regularly scheduled call of the EM Adoption Event and Demos SC Telecon.
Friday, 10 July 2009, 11:00am to 12:00pm ET
Call # 1-800-320-4330 / PIN 510630

Encouraging members of the EM Adoption TC and EI MS Steering Committee to
join the EM Adopt Events SC call today is helpful, so we can get the venue
and program issues resolved.  But publishing a different conference call at
the same time is confusing.  Please resolve and advise.

Patrick Gannon

-----Original Message-----
From: tferrentino@verizon.net [mailto:tferrentino@verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 10:54 AM
To: emergency-adopt-events@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [emergency-adopt-events] Meeting Reminder

This is a reminder for Friday's TC Adoption Events and Demos TC meeting for
this Friday at 11 EDT.

I would also like to invite all to this coming Friday's Adoption TC meeting
at Noon AM EDT on the same conference bridge as the Events ad Demos

Please be prepared to discuss the venue for the planned EI Summit. Please
also inform us if you have any issues with sharing the meeting space with
the NIEM Training conference in Baltimore.

Please start thinking about possible interested Policy makers, possible
demonstrations and possible panel discussions. We would like to have this
all prepared prior to Friday's meetings.

Thank You

Tom Ferrentino

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