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Subject: Hitting 15%

Well gang, Kavi is reporting that we now have 15% of the vote on CAP! 
As Jamie pointed out, most voting comes down to the last day or so, and 
this has certainly been no different. Barring any unforeseen issues (no 
votes) with spec, it looks like the first EM TC is on its way to being 
an official OASIS Standard! Congrats to all, as you have all worked 
very hard to take CAP to this point.

Getting back to business, there are a couple of things we need to now 
focus on. One is the marketing and evangelizing of CAP. Flushing out 
more details in fact sheets, FAQs, writing the implementers guide, etc. 
are all there to support that effort. Second is to continue to discuss 
the comments, issues, and suggestions that have consumed the list over 
the last 2 weeks. While it is probably too early to determine a 
timeline and version number (1.1, 2.0, whatever) for these items, we 
can certainly start beating up the issues themselves and working them 
into a fine point of clarity.

Congrats again to all - Allen

R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC

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