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Subject: Re: [ihc] Proposed New Subcommittee (and roster update)

     This sounds like an excellent suggestion.  Of course, it is up to the 
members of the Technical Committee to approve such a subcommittee.
      In service of that, at Dr. Elkin's request, we will initiate a 
web-based ballot of the TC's voting members.  This TC previously has 
approved the use of electronic ballots.  I will initiate that ballot and 
advise you by a separate message.
     In preparation for this ballot, we have reviewed and updated the TC 
roster to correctly reflect current voting membership of the TC, as we 
understand it , base on activity records and our TC Process rules [1].
      As a result, a few persons have newly acquired voting status (because 
their waiting period has elapsed and they are active members).   If your 
status has changed, you should receive a separate notification message 
directly from our OASIS member database system.   Anyone with questions 
regarding their appropriate status should feel free to contact me directly.
      Thank you for your participation.  JBC

~   James Bryce Clark
~   Director, Standards Development, OASIS
~   jamie.clark@oasis-open.org

[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#2.4

At 08:42 AM 5/5/2006, Elkin, Peter L., M.D. wrote:
>Dear IHC Colleagues:
>I suggest that we consider creating a focused project, housed in an 
>explicit subcommittee of this TC, around SOA consumption of, and 
>interoperability with, the widely-used SNOMED-CT health vocabulary.  * * *
>* * * Dr. John Madden from Duke University Medical Center has agreed to 
>serve as chair of this subcommittee, and I would like to serve as his 
>co-chair, subject to your consent. This constitutes my motion for a web 
>ballot under our rules, and Dr. Madden has agreed to second that motion. 
>Accordingly, if there are no objections or suggestions for improvement of 
>the work plan described above, we will initiate a web-based ballot of our 
>IHC voting members to approve the creation of the subcommittee.
>* * *

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