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Subject: Re: RDF examples in DMLex need cleaning up

Phew, I'm glad I don't have to. :-)

st 6. 9. 2023 vÂ11:46 odesÃlatel John McCrae <john.mccrae@insight-centre.org> napsal:


Done as PR #43



On 04/09/2023 18:48, Michal MÄchura wrote:

Hi John,

Iâm done making all the changes we agreed today (pull request #42). Once David has merged this pull request, I wonder if you could have a good final look at all the RDF examples throughout the document and make sure they are consistent with your spec of the RDF serialization? There are bound to be lots of tiny inconsistencies all over the place. I had already done the same for XML and JSON but I donât have the confidence for RDF.

If you canât get it done by Friday, let me know and Iâll do my best. But Iâd probably do it a bit wrong and that would come back to haunt us in the public reviews.


John P. McCrae
(he/him; #startsWithAName John (rhymes with "gone") McCrae (rhymes with "hay") /dÊÉn mÃkÉeÉ/)
Assistant Professor - SFI Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Data Science Institute & Computer Science, University of Galway

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