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Subject: Two OASIS events you should attend

Dear TC Members,

We have upcoming events to share with you. Feel free to reach out to me directly with questions or more information. I would also be happy to join a future TC meeting. Please let me know if that makes sense. Here are the details:

  • On Wednesday, July 19 at 11:00 AM EDT, theÂ2023 OASIS Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM)Âwill be held virtually. RegisterÂhereÂto get the login information. Members get the chance to learn about the current state of OASIS and to ask questions. Questions can be sent in advance or asked during the webinar. Advance questions can be sent toÂjharnad@oasis-open.org. For those who are unable to attend, the AGM will be recorded.

  • And we have two months until ourÂBorderless Cyber Conference. The conference features a lot of our work. We hope to see a strong showing of members during the event. Many other organizations have extended their support for the conference and expressed an interest in meeting with our members to discuss future collaboration opportunities. Some of these organizations include: StandICT.eu, Secure Identity Alliance, FIDO, ITU, NATO NCI, ETSI, OpenUK, The Global Trust Foundation, etc. The venue (Royal Holloway campus) is accessible by train from London and only 15 minutes from Heathrow.Â

    There will be many opportunities for networking, including a visit toÂRoyal Holloway'sÂbrand-new Drone Research Center and a celebration of OASIS' 30th Anniversary. Borderless Cyber will host the OASIS30 Gathering on September 11 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM BST. We invite all OASIS members and guests to join us in our celebration. MembersÂcan take advantage of the discount rate ofÂÂ130Âto attend the two-day conference. The OASIS30 gathering is included in the Borderless Cyber Conference package. RegisterÂhereÂtoÂattend everything.ÂPlease get in touch withÂmeÂif you wish to join us for OASIS30 orÂsupport our conference as an underwriterÂbut are unable to attend the entire conference.Â




Manager of Events


+1 703-508-3373

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