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Subject: Working Draft 11: review period and process

Hi all, 

At today's TC call we agreed to extend the review period for WD11 to Thursday 30th March 2017 when we will hold our next TC call.*

Please take some time to read through the spec and provide feedback. This working draft will underpin our first CSD for MQTT v5.0 so it's important we get it right. 

WD11 can be downloaded here > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/mqtt/download.php/60111/mqtt-v5.0-wd11.pdf <

We also made some refinements to the review process:

1. Each TC member will raise a single Jira to cover editorial issues found.
2. Editors can update the live document for editorial issues.
3. Each TC member to raise individual issues for substantive changes so they can be tracked.

*We'll schedule a TC call sooner in response to issues raised or as requested.

Best regards


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