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Subject: Re: [office-comment] Public Comment

Hi Dennis,

One other thing; if you have software systems or applications that
support OpenDocument, would  you be so kind as to notify us?  I would
also be happy to forward any notification of support to Peter Quinn for
posting on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts compliance list.
Interestingly they have added ez Publishing (the Zope CMS PHP effort).

I'm wondering also if there is another layer of support that, while not
completely compliant with ODF, would still qualify as usefully
interoperable?  The ODF TC is now working on a way to expand the current
DC metadata model to be transparently interoperable with XML:RDF.  The
objective being to provide the marketplace with a universal metadata
layer common to ODF, but easily implemented by many other file formats
as well.  Especially regarding the information of legacy systems.

Nirvana for both Massachusetts and the EU would no doubt be a situation
where the same XML search, aggregate and re purpose tools could be
applied at the metadata layer to ODF documents, DocBook, UBL, the Adobe
stack of PDF, multimedia, and publishing files, and let's say, the
enterprise world of Lotus Notes.

Of course, the real target is that of all information participating in
SOA, the Web 2.0, and the Semantic Web at the highest levels of
interoperability and conformance possible.  Metadata seems like a good
place to start this trek.  Although i also have to say that in the few
weeks we've worked on the XML:RDF metadata merge, i can't help but think
that ODF will be put to work as a bridge between legacy information
systems and stores, and the Semantic Web.  To me that's a worthy
challenge if ever there was one.

ODF is already in heavy use as a universal transformation layer at
Boeing and with things like the ORACLE Collaboration Suite.  I expect
that Massachusetts, and everyone else for that matter who has an SOA
effort underway, will make similar use of ODF.  As organizations make
the transition to SOA, greatly leveraging the value of their legacy
systems, the sooner they can get XML layers of universal
interoperability implemented, the better.  Metadata may be quickest way
for SOA directed efforts to work with systems vendors to perfect a near
term value that seems rather extraordinary to me.  But that's just me.


comment-form@oasis-open.org wrote:

>Comment from: dennis.hamilton@acm.org
>Name: Dennis E. Hamilton
>Title: System Architect
>Organization: NuovoDoc
>Regarding Specification: OpenDocument v1.0.
>In the PDF, on page 34, first paragraph, a word appears to be missing: "... for features [defined?] by the OpenDocument schema."
>I'm not sure schemas define or identify or specify, but there is a missing word.
> - Dennis
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