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Subject: Re: [office-comment] ODFF: DISC function

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Hi David,

On Saturday, 2008-08-16 18:03:51 +0100, David King wrote:

> * noting again that the formula given needs to divide by YEARFRAC=20
> not multiply

Changed for draft11.

> * I've verified that Excel and Calc both seem to use YEARFRAC=20
> internally to calculate DISC, therefore where there are problems=20
> in Excel/Calc with YEARFRAC (already noted by David Wheeler),=20
> they transfer to DISC. In addition of course, when Calc returns a=20
> value of YEARFRAC different to Excel, DISC will also be different=20
> (example 1Jan08 to 2Jan08, basis 1).

Yes, known complications. Basically true for all functions expecting the
Basis date system parameter.


 OpenOffice.org / StarOffice Calc core developer and i18n transpositionizer.
 SunSign   0x87F8D412 : 2F58 5236 DB02 F335 8304  7D6C 65C9 F9B5 87F8 D412
 OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS

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