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Subject: Standing Rock News

PROTESTERS: <http://nativenewsonline.net/currents/sen-franken-wants-fbi-explanation-investigating-dapl-protesters/>.

Learn how to assert your constitutional rights during encounters wwith
law enforcement. (Generally speaking, rights are waived if not
asserted. For example, silence after a cop asks to search your back
pack will be considered by the courts to have granted permission. )
Highly recommended. 1:18 minutes.

Best regards,


[1]. The presentation is by Lauren Regan of the Eugene-Based Civil
Liberties Defense Center, who is very heavily involved in the defense
of noDAPL water protectors, including heading the class action lawsuit
on behalf of those injured. An aside: Lauren is among the three people
who will be awarded the Kerry L. Rydberg Memorial Award for
Environmental Activism (previously known as the Environmentalist of
the Year award) this Saturday at the Public Interest Environmental Law
Conference at the U.of O. Law School. That's a gathering of
environmental lawyers from all over the world. As a past recipient  in
1992, I had the pleasure of voting for Lauren.

If you're interested in attending the conference, it runs from today
(Thursday) through Saturday. I might see you there. You can get your
free ticket and wireless logon here. <http://pielc.org/pielc-2017/>.

[Notice not included in the above original message:  The U.S. National
Security Agency neither confirms nor denies that it intercepted this

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