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Subject: Re: [office-metadata] Export / Import of metadata

Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

Elias can confirm if I'm right here, but ...

On Feb 28, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Svante Schubert wrote:

I have read again the chapter about XMLLiteral in the spec
and I now would think my earlier cases 1 & 2 are identical. The XMLLiteral is resolved to a string, is this correct?

In the RDF model, yes. For example, if you have an RDF store using a relational backend, the XML gets stored as a string.

But in the RDF/XML, you have XML:

<foo:bar rdf:parseType="Literal"><text:span>blah <text:span>blah</text:span></foo:bar>

So in other words, WRT to RDF/XML export, it's nothing to worry about. Just output it as proper XML with the rdf:parseType attribute set to "Literal."
Imagine we have the following RDF statement in N3:
bruce:example    test:literal   "level-1 level-2 level-1".

We have the RDF statement encoded with RDFa in ODF

<text:p rdf:about="bruce:example" rdf:property="test:literal">
    <text:span style="styleA">level-1<text:span style="styleB"> level-2 </text:span>level-1</text:span>

Exported to RDF/XML it can be

<rdf:description about="bruce:example">
    <test:literal>level-1 level-2 level-1</test:literal>


<rdf:description about="bruce:example">
    <test:literal rdf:parseType="Literal"><text:span style="styleA">level-1<text:span style="styleB"> level-2 </text:span>level-1</text:span></test:literal>

I propose to define the first short variation to be able to directly map a literal from ODF as RDF object literal. The second seems unnecessary large, as the XML subtree is not required and if it would be required the xml:id approach would work.

We might add later further RDFa attributes, which define the data-type. But waiting until RDFa is further matured (standarized) might make sense.

Elias, you are our RDFa expert. would that be fine for you?

Therefore do we agree on that RDFa is always using the concatenated descending text nodes of the RDFa element as RDF object?

Is there something about your precise language here ("concatenated ...") that is important?
Good wording is always important ;-)

We should simply reference to the XPATH string() function method and state something like:
"The RDF object from a element with RDFa attributes is a literal, which is similar to the result of a Xpath string() with the RDFa element as parameter."

http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#section-String-Functions states
"A node-set is converted to a string by returning the string-value of the node in the node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty, an empty string is returned."

I guess I'm not seeing the problem.



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