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Subject: OASIS OP Advisory Council Meeting Recap + Follow-up


Thanks again for joining and helping us get off to a greatÂstart last week. For those who unable to make it we did record the session for you to watch or listen to later [1]. There is also a slide deck we used to guide our conversation [2].

Brief housekeeping & recap:
  • You have been subscribed to the mailing listÂop-advisory-council@lists.oasis-open.org. Only people subscribed to the list can read or write to the list. Anything we want to share publicly will go on our eventual blog atÂoasis-open-projects.org
  • We will also be adding a page to that site for our advisory council, which will include your name, title, and photo from LinkedIn - if you want it to link to your website or a social media profile, or if you prefer to use something else, let me know!
  • We adopted the Chatham House Rule, which means that you are free to discuss themes and ideas from our calls, but not to identify the speaker or their affiliation, or other participants.
Ray, who was on the call today, may also reach out to some of you as we prepare for the press launch the second week of May!

Thematically, we discussed several different things related to the challenges of doing open collaboration:
  • "communication as the biggest impediment" - bad communication inhibits collaboration, good communication makes sure the goal of the collaborative project is explicit & sharedÂ
  • performing "due diligence" to see what other standards, projects, or efforts exist already
    • Is there an existing knowledge base of the ecosystem, what's out there, and can it be made more discoverable?
  • building trust in "third places," in individuals, in process, and between communities and collaborations.
  • working with the velocity differences between open source and standards toÂminimize conflict conflict
I've also been thinking a lot about two big ideas ya'll shared on the call, related to the "spectrum of standardization" and how OASIS and our Open Project Communities can find a 'sweet spot.' Experimenting with process and gathering data on what we learn seems like an important step in doing that so I've been contemplating what tests we can run to start getting at some data-driven best practices here - if you happen to have any resources on designing experiments for organizational behavior, send them my way?

Next steps:

Our press announcement for Open Projects should be going live the second week of May. There's also a project I'm really eager to share with you all, which we should be able to discuss openly by mid-May. Given that exciting news, and what we hope to learn from all of it, I'm proposing a meeting at then end of May for those who are interested & able to make it in addition to our quarterly call:
Of course I will share updates & ideas with the mailing list here as they happen, and I hope you won't hesitate to do the same. Thank you all so very much, and have an amazing rest of your day!

- Jory, Chet & Carol
[1] RecordingÂhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/sjcnf4n5z2n706x/2019.04.11%20OASIS%20Advisory%20Council%20Meeting.mp4?dl=0
[2] Google Slide Deck:Âhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ysOgjB6cf5JJr6KKjyhK_5ShuR1l7tfinyWJFAE_MEw/edit#slide=id.g57d1c469ce_0_223

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