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Subject: Results of today's PKI Issues SC concall

Here are my notes from today's PKI Issues SC concall.
Please send any corrections to the list.




Notes from December 4, 2003 PKI Issues Subcommittee meeting

Members present:
  Sharon Boeyen
  Steve Hanna
  June Leung
  Ross Smith

Members absent:
  Jeremy Hilton
  John Sabo
  Krishna Yellepeddy

Steve Hanna took notes.

We reviewed the remaining comments: Guidelines-1 through
Guidelines-6. For all of these, we agreed to recommend
to the PKI TC that they approve the recommendation of
the comment reviewer.

We also agreed that we should plan to meet in early January
to review comments received between now and then. Steve Hanna
will send an email to the PKI Issues list to arrange a time.

Sharon Boeyen reported that Tim Polk tells her NIST's
PKI Protection Profiles may not be approved, but he
has a backup plan. He hopes they'll be ready to start
conformance testing in February.

Sharon also reported that Peter Lipp of IAIK told her
that ETSI may do PKI-related interoperability testing
events in 2004. That fits nicely with our Action Item
to "Increase Testing to Improve Interoperability".

Thanks, Sharon, for these valuable liaison reports!

Steve Hanna asked the concall participants if they
would be willing to take responsibility for writing
an Implementation Plan for one of the Action Items
in our PKI Action Plan. Ross had already signed up
for "Increase Testing to Improve Interoperability".
June signed up for "Gather and Supplement Educational
Materials on PKI".

June Leung asked what the deadline is for submitting
comments on the PKI Action Plan. We realized that none
was set and agreed this should be on the next PKI TC
agenda. December 31, 2003 seems like a reasonable date.

Then we adjourned the call.

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