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rights-requirements message

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Subject: [rights-requirements] FW: Feedback requested on Requirements

Hello All:
I received this message this morning...I am forwarding for Renato who had problems posting to the rights-requirements list. I will check with OASIS on the problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: Renato Iannella [mailto:renato@iprsystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:03 PM
To: Reddy, Hari
Cc: rights-requirements@lists.oasis-open.org; hal.lockhart@entegrity.com; robin@isogen.com
Subject: Re: Feedback requested on Requirements

On Friday, August 30, 2002, at 10:24 AM, Reddy, Hari wrote:

We are presently sending feedback requests to all of the entities that have submitted into the RLTC process. We would appreciate any feedback or comments on the analysis before September 4, 2002. Please send the comments to the rights-requirements list serv (rights-requirements@lists.oasis-open.org). We are scheduling a review for September 4, 2002 (11AM - 1 PM EDT) . If you have any comments that you would like to highlight, please attend this conference call.

Hari, thanks for the review of the requirements

from the ODRL Initiative. However, there was one

requirement "Royalty-Free" (Section 3, Table 4)

that was not in the final analysis. I also noted

that the same issue appears in the requirements

submitted by two other organisations (Society of Biblical

Literature, and the IEEE). It would be useful to include

this requirement in the final analysis.

Also, the requirements seemed to have been analysed against

a known set of criteria for a Rights language.

Normally, requirements are gathered and analysed

to create/establish the criteria.

I will not be able to make the teleconference as it is

scheduled for early AM Australian time.

Cheers...Renato <http://purl.net/renato>

Chief Scientist, IPR Systems Pty Ltd <http://iprsystems.com>

Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) <http://odrl.net>

NEW ADDRESS: 12th Floor, 77 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000

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