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samldemoprimary message

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Subject: FW: SAML InterOp Datasheet

Thanks Steve!

Hi Carol - I haven't had time to look at the sheets, but Steve was able
to.  I'll let you know if Eve comes back with any comments.  I can't get
to this myself until tomorrow or the weekend.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Anderson [mailto:sanderson@opennetwork.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:18 PM
To: Philpott, Robert; Eve L. Maler
Subject: RE: SAML InterOp Datasheet

The datasheet looks fine.  The flyer is obviously last year's, and needs
wholesale updating. 

I expect that Carol can update the description of the event and
participants herself.  Here's a pass at updating the scenario


The main scenario being demonstrated is a combination of Web Single
Signon, and Single Logout.  

During Signon, the user authenticates at a chosen Identity Provider and
is granted access to resources at various Service Providers without
needing to reauthenticate.  The actual flow of this part of the scenario
can take one of three different forms:

1.  The user starts at an Identity Provider.  After logging in, the
Identity Provider site displays a portal page containing links to
external resources.  When the user clicks one of those links, identity
information flows from the Identity Provider to the specific Service
Provider, and the Service Provider will authorize and provide the
requested resource according to its security policy.

2.  The user starts at a Service Provider.  The Service Provider needs
to identity the user, and offers either local login or a list of trusted
Identity Providers.  The user selects an Identity Provider,
authenticates with that Identity Provider, and returns to the Service
Provider with identity information.

3.  The user starts at the eGov portal.  The user selects an Identity
Provider and a Service Provider from the portal page, and is redirected
to the Service.  The Service can automatically redirect the user to the
previously chosen Identity Provider to authenticate.  Identity
information flows back to the Service Provider, and the resource request
is processed.

During Logout, the Identity Provider will propagate the Logout request
to all Service Providers that have been given identity information for
the user in the current session, allowing them to cleanup any local
session data.  The actual flow of this part of the scenario can take one
of two different forms:

1.  The user logs out at the Identity Provider.  The Identity Provider
notifies all affected Service Providers, and then terminates the user
session at the Identity Provider.

2.  The user logs out at a Service Provider.  The Service Provider
terminates the local user session, and then propagates the logout
request to the Identity Provider that authenticated the user.  The
Identity Provider notifies all other affected Service Providers, and
then terminates the user session at the Identity Provider.

An additional scenario being demonstrated by some participants shows the
steps of federating and defederating accounts.  

Federating accounts is generally a first-time setup step.  The user
initiates the federation operation (at the Service Provider, in this
demonstration), authenticates at both the Identity Provider and the
Service Provider, and then the two sites negotiate a unique identifier
for the user, which isn't reused at any other site.  Subsequent sessions
for that user to flow just like the main scenario.

When the user defederates accounts (at either the Identity Provider or
Service Provider), the relationship between the user's account at the
Identity Provider and the user's account at the Service Provider is


Feels a bit verbose for the target medium, but we can talk more about
Steve Anderson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philpott, Robert [mailto:rphilpott@rsasecurity.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:40 AM
> To: Eve L. Maler; Steve Anderson
> Cc: Philpott, Robert
> Subject: FW: SAML InterOp Datasheet
> Would you guys have time to look these over and provide feedback?
> Thanks!
> Eve - I hope to get the SAML specs to you for a review in a couple of
> hours.  I was working very late last night (um - this morning) and
> couldn't quite finish them up.
> Rob Philpott
> Senior Consulting Engineer
> RSA Security Inc.
> Tel: 781-515-7115
> Mobile: 617-510-0893
> Fax: 781-515-7020
> mailto:rphilpott@rsasecurity.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carol Geyer [mailto:carol.geyer@oasis-open.org]
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:29 AM
> To: 'Dee Schur'; 'samldemotech'; samldemomktg@lists.oasis-open.org;
> samldemoprimary@lists.oasis-open.org
> Cc: Philpott, Robert; 'Mishra, Prateek'
> Subject: RE: SAML InterOp Datasheet
> I've drafted a basic SAML datasheet (OASIS-saml-datasht-ltr-04-12-21)
> that we might want to include in the package. Rob, Prateek,
> please review and send me edits. Whether or not we use this at the RSA
> Conference, I'd like to post it on the OASIS site, so people
> can download it.
> We also have the OASIS InterOp sheet that was prepared for the RSA
> proceedings bags (SAML-RSA-InterOp-05-01-04). It lists all the
> participants, but doesn't say much about the scenario.
> It would be great to have something along the lines of last year's
> (SAMLinterop-flyer). If someone can send me content, I'd be
> happy to lay it out.
> Thanks,
> Carol
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:13 PM
> To: 'samldemotech'; samldemomktg@lists.oasis-open.org;
> samldemoprimary@lists.oasis-open.org
> Cc: Carol Geyer (Carol Geyer)
> Subject: SAML InterOp Datasheet
> Hi,
> The technical call today was extremely productive. One task that I
> failed to mention was the general SAML datasheet that will be
> presented during the press event (in a package with all vendor product
> collateral) and available to the general public during the
> demo. This datasheet will describe the Standard and the InterOp
> scenario.
> This is a great tool but someone must take on the responsibility to
> create this piece to be vetted by the OASIS SSTC and the OASIS
> Director of Communications.
> Please contact Robert Ciochon and Andy if you would like to create
> document.
> Thanks!
> Dee

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