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Subject: RE: [search-ws] SRU Data Model

I guess we do need to come up with modeling language that is independent of the transfer mechanism.




From: Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress [mailto:rden@loc.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 5:33 PM
Subject: [search-ws] SRU Data Model


Several months ago during the progression of SRU 2.0 drafts, at one point I took out the "Model" prose (this was so that those commenting on the draft would not get distracted).  Now I'm putting it back in. For the data model, the last paragraph says:


"A record schema is an XML schema. All records within a response, as well as the response itself, are transferred in XML. Data is not assumed to be stored in XML; records that are not natively XML must be first transformed into XML before transfer."


May I assume that we no longer want to retain the XML requirement and that we can delete this paragraph?



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