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Subject: RE: [security-jc] TAB concerns about Security JC charter


In your absence, we discussed this issue at this weeks SJC meeting [1]
and have tabled your agenda item for the next committee meeting
(1-9-2002).  In the mean time, can you (or Krishna) elaborate on this
decision relative to the charter of the SJC and the following (personal)

1.  The TAB decision means that the SJC will have to re-write it's
charter; a charter put in place with the full support of the SJC
members, TAB and board.  Not a big issue but something we will have to
address quite quickly.

2.  Based on the common understanding (and extensive clear statement
within the charter) that the SJC has no control or official "power" to
implement/impose its "works and findings", how is our current charter
and its stated intentions anything more than "coordination" and
"cooperation", the intended purpose of the JC process.

3.  If this decision by the TAB is simply a desire to promote the type
of organizational structure that is the "trademark" or the OASIS
approach, it has my full support.  I fully understand and appreciate the
delicate balance between autonomy and autocracy that we tread.  I would
however like to seek your (and the TAB's) advise on how, within that
balance/framework, we can work to promote the consistency, reuse and
interaction that is fundamental to an end-to-end workable set of
standards. I know that OASIS does not propose to deliver an "end-to-end
set" of standards, but on the other hand a set of uncoordinated,
overlapping standards is not such a good thing either.

4.  Assuming that interested SJC members decided to take on the current
charter "deliverables" as a separate TC effort, would this be something
that the TAB would take an active role in and offer what would be
unofficial "credibility" to the effort? 

Some interesting thought and debate for the holidays ;-)  Have a good


Darran Rolls                      http://www.waveset.com
Waveset Technologies Inc          drolls@waveset.com 
(512) 657 8360                    

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Best [mailto:karl.best@oasis-open.org]
> Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:52 AM
> To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [security-jc] TAB concerns about Security JC charter
> Security JC:
> At the OASIS TAB meeting today we discussed, among other things, the
> Security JC scope and charter. It was pointed out that the OASIS TC
> Process makes no provision for a JC having a charter beyond simply
> coordinating the activities of the TCs, and additionally that the
> Process says that a JC will have no deliverables.
> So while the TAB thinks that the JC has identified some valuable
> to pursue (security common glossary, architecture model, etc.) and
> this work is important and needs to be done, the TAB feels that the JC
> is the wrong place to be doing this work.
> The TAB suggests that interested members of the JC form a TC to do
> work and that the JC restrict itself to providing a forum for the
> various TCs to communicate and coordinate their activities with each
> other.
> Krishna and I would be happy to further explain the TAB's feelings on
> this at the next JC meeting.
> -Karl
> =================================================================
> Karl F. Best
> Vice President, OASIS
> +1 978.667.5115 x206
> karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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