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Subject: RE: [security-jc] submission of OASIS work to ITU-T

The main issue that I would see is the issue of copyright.

In the past the ITU has demanded exhorbitant fees to get a copy
of their standards. This in turn killed any grass roots interest
in the OSI stack which was one of the reasons the ITU failed
in that area. It has also meant that they can't be used in

I don't think that endorsement by the ITU will have more than a
marginal difference to the credibility of the standard. None of
my customers seem to care where a standard comes from as long as
it is widely supported and meets some definition of open.

What is the overhead of this move, what does it cost in terms
of effort? Who has ongoing change control, can the ITU develop
a new version of SAML?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Best [mailto:karl.best@oasis-open.org]
> Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 8:55 AM
> To: security-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [security-jc] submission of OASIS work to ITU-T
> Security JC:
> FYI - I have been approached recently by a representative 
> from the ITU-T 
> central secretariat, Richard Hill, who expressed interest in having 
> OASIS submit some of our completed work for approval under the ITU-T 
> process. OASIS was earlier in the year granted A.4 and A.5 
> recognition 
> by ITU-T, and they would like to see us take advantage of that 
> recognition by submitting some of our work. (This is similar 
> to what we 
> are doing with the ebXML specs: submitting them to ISO for approval 
> under their process.)
> ITU-T is particularly interested in our security work, as that is a 
> topic that they work on quite a bit. I suggested that perhaps 
> we could 
> submit the SAML, recently approved as an OASIS Standard, and XACML, 
> which we hope will also be approved soon. Richard thought that this 
> would be a good plan, and he and I will discuss how best to do this 
> under the ITU-T process while still allowing OASIS ownership 
> of the work 
> and retaining the right of the OASIS TCs to do further work 
> on the specs.
> -Karl
> =================================================================
> Karl F. Best
> Vice President, OASIS
> +1 978.667.5115 x206
> karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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