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Subject: RE: [security-jc] Security Vocabulary Draft

Would it be possible within the content limits of this TC to develop a data dictionary of security terms to be shared by all the TC's?

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Monica Martin <mmartin@certivo.net>
Date:  Sat, 28 Dec 2002 07:51:40 -0800

>Suggest that you also look at the 'in work' UN/CEFACT glossary for some
>of the terms like Business Transaction.  Shouldn't we add definitions
>for nonce, password, etc. as well?
>URL for working glossary - I believe it is under general folder:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Phillip H. Griffin [mailto:phil.griffin@asn-1.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:19 AM
>Subject: [security-jc] Security Vocabulary Draft
>Here's something for the group to consider. I do not really expect
>comments on the terms and definitions I've collected, though please
>feel free to do so.
>Rather, I'd really like for us to focus primarily on the Considerations
>and Abstract and References sections of this draft.
>As to references, these are WIP. But it would be nice for us to suggest
>some common format for referencing OASIS standards, committee
>specifications and committee drafts.
>On the Abstract, it would be nice to add some text - more than just the
>sentence I've got here. Perhaps a statement of purpose.
>On the Considerations, perhaps we should remove the text I've written
>and replace it with concrete recommendations to the TAB. If we do this,
>I'd like for us to address some concerns I've gotten from a couple of
>members off line as to how we'd like to see the authorities practice and
>behave - encourage rather than dictate - recommend rather than require
>- advise rather than demand. That sort of thing.
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