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Subject: RE: Welcome to security-leaders

That sounds like a good approach to me.  It would be great if everyone read
the issues list as well - that's where the bulk of the work is being done
currently.  If you have a comment or suggestion, it may be listed there
already.  This issues list is included with Strawman 2 in the zipfile you
can find here:




> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eve L. Maler [mailto:eve.maler@east.sun.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 8:09 AM
> To: security-leaders@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Welcome to security-leaders
> Hi folks-- This list replaces the old security-editors list.  I'd like us
> to conduct planning discussions here (such as how to structure the F2F
> agenda, planning "leaders-only" telecons, etc.).  For now, I would like
> people to respond to my mail of yesterday if they haven't already
> responded
> to me privately:
> ====
> In the next telecon, I will be asking for motions to name the spec, and I
> will propose to consider them in order of apparent popularity given the
> poll results.  If the top contender has majority support, it will
> win.  Then all attempts to discuss it will be ruled out of order.
> On the matter of what we should be spending our time on, I'd like to ask
> the subgroup leaders to take up Strawman #2 with their groups, and
> provide feedback to the use-case group as soon as possible.  What
> requirements are missing?  What requirements are too
> implementation-focused?  What requirements should be out of scope?  I'd
> like the "technical theme" of the next telecon to be requirements, with
> Darren giving a report on the substance of the strawman and the other
> subgroups giving a report on their reactions.
> Since we haven't really used this list for leader communications yet, I
> would appreciate it if I could hear back from all the subgroup
> leaders with
> their thoughts on this approach.
> ====
> 	Eve
> --
> Eve Maler                                          +1 781 442 3190
> Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    eve.maler @ east.sun.com

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