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Subject: RE: Agenda for security-leaders 10 April 2001 telecon - Regrets

Hi all,

  I will be on a plane returning back from the XML Dev Con ;-0


-----Original Message-----
From: Eve L. Maler [mailto:eve.maler@east.sun.com]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 12:12 PM
To: security-leaders@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Agenda for security-leaders 10 April 2001 telecon

Folks-- Our next biweekly security-leaders meeting is next Tuesday.

Meeting date: Tuesday, 10 April 2000
Meeting time: (we will endeavor to finish by :30)
          GMT         5-6pm
          Eastern     12noon-1pm
          Central     11am-12noon
          Pacific     9-10am

Call-in information (good through 19 June):
	Call-in number:		+1 (601) 948-8023
         Participant code:	#298845

- Status of subgroups and drafts of SAML spec/requirements chapters
- Finalize F2F #2 agenda and reading list

Please let me know if you have anything else to add.

Eve Maler                                             +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Development  eve.maler @ east.sun.com

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