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security-services-comment message

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Subject: Comment on SAML 2.0 Session Token Profile Version 1.0

The draft [1] states at line 194 (emphasis mine)

ID [Required]
The SA MUST set the value of the saml:ID or xs:ID to a unique identifier as required by [SAML2-

It probably meant (i.e. it should be rephrased as follows instead)

ID [Required]
The SA MUST set the value of the saml:ID to a unique identifier of type xs:ID as required by [SAML2-

[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/43741/saml-session-token-v1.0-csprd03.zip

Anli Shundi                     ashundi@tibco.com
(919) 969 6518
TIBCO Software Inc.             www.tibco.com

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