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Subject: Face To Face Meeting: Ballot Results

Title: Face To Face Meeting: Ballot Results

Hi all,

The results of the recent ballot, http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/soa-tel/ballot.php?id=1653,  show that the majority are in favour of a meeting in the UK, with conference facilities for those who wish to attend via the conference bridge.

So, we need to get the following done:

1. Contributions for the meeting - there have been a number of proposed contributions documented in the minutes, so I would be grateful if companies would confirm that they will be supplying contributions for this meeting

2. The ballot showed that the meeting in the UK would be as follows:

March 31st
April 1st
April 2nd

If people wish the meeting to be shortened, then please let me know and I will re-submit the dates.

3. Book your travel.

Regards John

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