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Subject: New Chair

Hi everyone,

  This is to officially announce that Enrico Ronco is the new chair of the SOA-Telecom TC.


Best regards,


On Apr 19, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Mary McRae wrote:

> Thanks Enrico,
>  I will sent up a 7-day ballot starting tomorrow; if anyone else would like to step in as Chair please post a note to this list no later than 11:45pm ET today (19 April 2010).
> Regards,
> Mary
> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Ronco Enrico wrote:
>> Mary
>> As I saw no comments on both your email and my reply I assume the situation I depicted does indeed illustrate the reality of the group.
>> In order to avoid premature closuer, and since we still need to do some things in SOATEL Please accept my willingness to cover the role of TC Chair.
>> Of course I'd be more than happy that you could set up the ballot with more than just my name.
>> Regards
>> Enrico
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ronco Enrico [mailto:enrico.ronco@telecomitalia.it]
>> Sent: giovedì 15 aprile 2010 17.08
>> To: Mary McRae; soa-tel@lists.oasis-open.org
>> Subject: RE: [soa-tel] SOA-Tel is without a Chair
>> Mary
>> That may be why Mike did not comment on my mail last week asking for confirmation of this weeks' meeting.
>> Nevertheless it is correct that the TC has 2 voting members. Actually they "are" 3 with Mike (yesterday was his first meeting miss).
>> Yesterday we had a meeting and we reached quorum since 2 voting members participated (Federico Rossini and myself, plus Lucia Geradinariu, not a voting member).
>> This year the group had meetings on Jan 12, Feb 16, Feb 23, Mar 2 and, as I said, Apr 14.
>> Meetings were held regularly, called in anticipation and minutes were taken. They are all on the SOATEL page. The only typo is that if you open the march 2 notes (word doc) you read Feb 23 as the date.
>> As far as I recall Olaf Renner lost voting rights on Feb 23 while Christian Guenter only recently joined March 2nd call.
>> Up to march 2 only Federico Rossini, Mike Giordano and myself have always attended the meetings (regrettably I must say). Yesterday was the first miss from Mike Giordano.
>> All this to say that hopefully things were done according to TC process, even if it is really a shame that so little attendance is resulting.
>> If some TC member diverges from this representation please feel free to comment.
>> Since now the group has almost completed the work, we decided yesterday, in good faith, to have next meetings on May 11th and June 8th.
>> Telecom Italia's opinion is that indeed the TC must remain open since we have the Req document out for public eval and we are (finally) beginning our liaisons with OASIS Security Services TC and W3C.
>> So, from my point of view
>> - happy to verify if some voting rights were lost
>> - happy to see if someone of the 19 colleagues in the roster wishes to take the role of TC Chair: before volunteering myself for this role I'd prefer to wait and see if one of the roster colleagues takes a step on this.
>> regards
>> Enrico
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mary McRae [mailto:mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org]
>> Sent: giovedì 15 aprile 2010 16.35
>> To: soa-tel@lists.oasis-open.org
>> Subject: [soa-tel] SOA-Tel is without a Chair
>> Apparently Mike Giordano is no longer with Avaya; his emails have bounced and his account has been deactivated. Without a Chair, a TC can take no action nor can it conduct any business other than to elect a new Chair.
>> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#chairs
>> "... If the TC does not have a Chair then all TC activities, with the exception of the selection of a new Chair, are suspended; if the TC does not have a Chair for 120 days, the TC Administrator must close the TC. ..."
>> It appears that the Kavi attendance tracker has not been used and therefore it is difficult for me to verify the voting roster. According to the Kavi roster there are only 2 voting members, both from a single company. There are, however, 19 Members listed. If anyone who is listed as a member feels that they should have been granted voting rights, please reply. To gain voting rights you must attend two meetings in a row; similarly, voting rights are lost if you miss two meetings in a row.
>> Since the TC currently has a document out for public review I am assuming that it would like to remain open; it that case I will need nominations for Chair so I can begin a ballot once the voting roster has been verified.
>> Regards,
>> Mary
>> Mary P McRae
>> Director, Standards Development
>> Technical Committee Administrator
>> OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
>> email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
>> web: www.oasis-open.org
>> twitter: @fiberartisan  #oasisopen
>> phone: 1.603.232.9090
>> Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
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