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Subject: Disinfo: into the research phase: Monday bulletin #2 (UPDATED charts)

Attached, at Irene's suggestion, is a slightly more narrative version of the current plan, with a few explanations inserted, and a few dates updated.Â
You will find your name in it. Please take a look before our meeting tomorrow morning (US time)


James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 11:24âPM Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Hello all!
TL;DR: Finish up the prelim reading from last week, and plan to talk about specific upcoming tasks this Thursday at the (postponed rescheduled) staff huddle. Updated task plans are attached.

Unfortunately our chance to coordinate last Thursday was lost to a cancelled staff huddle meeting. We'll plan to talk this next Thursday 6/22, whether or not there's a staff huddle call otherwise scheduled.

A slightly updated set of plans for the DISNFO project research and event planning is attached. Assignments, based on Francis' original suggestions, have not changed. Please make sure you have had the chance to read through the briefing material sent a week ago -- and start looking for your own appropriate leads, articles, or possible stakeholders for interviews, depending on your assignments. We'll talk further on Thursday,and please feel free to reach out on Slack before then, if you have questions.

CordiallyÂÂ Jamie

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 8:22âAM
Subject: Disinfo: team kickoff: Monday bulletin #1
To: Francis Beland <francis.beland@oasis-open.org>, Kelly Cullinane <kelly.cullinane@oasis-open.org>, Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>, Irene Heller <irene.heller@oasis-open.org>, Mary Beth Minto <marybeth.minto@oasis-open.org>, Jasmine Mbadugha <jasminembadugha@gmail.com>, Claudia Rauch <claudia.rauch@oasis-open.org>, Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>
Cc: <staff-bizdev-workshops@lists.oasis-open.org>

Dear Disinfo Innovation Workshop Team:
(cc to management)

TL;DR:Â Some stuff for you to read this week, and our plans for your assignments to help with this June-through-September project, as discussed at our last staff all-hands call.

Here are the details and our requests for the workshop program. Charts are attached, with a more detailed version of the proposed plan to staff and run an innovation workshop on the topic of this disinformation and defending against fake news. The charts provide a bit more detail than my last draft, on who needs to do what by when.  These are 3 views of the same data: There are Gantt timelines (compact and extended versions) and also a "human resources" version that puts dates on each planned commitment scheduled from each staff member. There's also a spreadsheet under this, which I will post to this Kavi group: staff-bizdev-workshops@lists.oasis-open.org, along with copies of the attachments here.

If you receive a To: copy of this message, it's because your name is somewhere in the plan as a party who will contribute some of the work or reviews, as Francis explained at our last Thursday all-hands meeting.

We're planning two workshops this fall in September: probably one co-located with our Board meeting (Boston), and one co-located with Borderless Cyber (London). There's a similar plan being written up for the other one, on circular economy labelling and ESG. We are trying to schedule these prep tasks so that the aggregate amount of work, for any one staff member, is a manageable load, so that we don't load anyone up with three things at once, given that we all have other responsibilities.

Your first task is to read the "preliminary info package" of orientation materials, which is the task described in the first few horizontal bars in those charts. That reading should give you an introduction to some of the issues, before you become involved in other matters, such as seeking experts, interviews, or additional research material -- all of which is sought so that we have interesting things to discuss with our stakeholders.. So, if you receive this note, please plan over this next week to review the prelim package.

After that, the program has three basic steps, which you can see from the charts;Â a research phase, a launch phase, and running the program, culminating in an event in September that will generate lists of prospects and stakeholders..Â

We're planning to talk about progress on these workshops at each of our biweekly all-hands staff meetings, so questions on this are welcome at next meeting, which is scheduled for this Thursday the 15th. Or just call Chet, me or your supervisor at any time. Please let your supervisor and me know, if you anticipate any problem with the tasks or time commitments allocated to you in these plans.

These are ambitious goals for us -- but so are our goals to significantly boost revenue using these tools.

Regards, with thanks, Jamie

1. Disinfo program planned time and staffing charts (3 charts)
2. Disinfo preliminary orientation materials.

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

Attachment: Disinfo workshop plans v5 0620 NARRATiVE.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Disinfo workshop Gantt plans v5 0620 EXTENDED.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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