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staff-bizdev-workshops message

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Subject: Fwd: Draft data attribution (disinfo) Innovation workshop update

[internal] [confidential]
 Schedule update: We plan to hold the first event on 8 November in DC. The name of the topic will be "information quality and attribution" -- expanding and changing the tone from "disinfo." As several of you have suggested.
 Thanks and regards Jamie

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 8:13âAM Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Dear team:Â

 Apologies that I've been slower to update you on this one, because of some pressing contracts that came in. This will confirm what we also will talk about briefly at today's staff huddle: the date of this planned innovation workshop has been moved back to late-October-to-early-November to accommodate some other plans, and a change in probable primary co-supporters. With Jane's help we are obtaining a new space in DC sometime in the above time range, depending on availability.
ÂÂÂÂ We have, and I will circulate separately, a first list of interviewees to review with you, on which I'd like to close asynchronously by email, based on your feedback.
 I'd like to reserve the time slot that is one week from today (August 24) at the usual time (8 AM PT, 11 AM ET) on Thursday, but on the week we're not doing a staff huddle, to go through these plans in detail. I'll be sending a couple of messages to several of you on specific requests between now and then, particularly on those interviews. Call anytime if you have questions. Jamie

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

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