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Subject: OGC requirements

Title: eTSL Design
FWD, a piece of work from The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) that Chuck Morris forwarded to me:
Compliance Test Language (CTL),  available at http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=16860.
This could be a candidate for our requirements deliverable.
The OGC is interested in the event-driven test capability of eTSL, but sees the programming constructs of eTSL not rich enough for their test cases.
I think that may be quite an interesting "workflow-level" source of requirement, more focused on testing requirements than general process definitions (XPDL, etc.) 
If Chuck (so far was an observer for TaMIE) is on the call tomorrow, I'll invite him to do a short introduction, and his assessment of eTSL shortcomings.

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