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Subject: RE: [tamie] Groups - etsm_translator.zip uploaded

I've just uploaded a new eTSM to XSL translator.

This version supports all of the core use cases in the wiki, plus a few
others that aren't there yet.  It at least partially covers most of the
language features we've defined:
  loops, including nested loops
  if, decide/if/elseif/else
  var, eval
  exit - can be used just about anywhere, even inside loops, but do not
bubble up
  eTSM functions
  start scriplets (but not asynchronously)
  catch (simple conditions only, and must indicate start time or
previous event id)

That last one in particular needs some explanation.  I found it would be
very difficult to implement the concept of a time cursor in xsl.  As an
alternative, you can either provide a start attribute to indicate the
start time of the window you want to use to select events, or you can
provide a following attribute and set it to the event id of a previous
event to indicate that you want to select only events following that
event.  See the catch.etsm use case in the translator archive for an

- Chuck

-----Original Message-----
From: chuck.morris@ngc.com [mailto:chuck.morris@ngc.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:58 PM
To: tamie@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [tamie] Groups - etsm_translator.zip uploaded

The document named etsm_translator.zip has been submitted by Mr. Chuck
Morris to the OASIS Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges (TaMIE) TC
document repository.

Document Description:
eTSM to XSL translator

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Download Document:  

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to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your
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-OASIS Open Administration

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