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Subject: Minutes meeting Nov 16

Below, for review.



Event Description:





Tuesday 3pm PT(California time), 16 November 2010


Host: Fujitsu


US Toll Free: 877-995-3314


US Toll/International: 210-339-1806


Passcode: 9589308







1. Administration and Status:

- approval past minutes Oct 19, F2F plans.

2. Current status on specification draft (latest 0.86 to be posted):

- general review , definition of "core language".

- Event Model (section 4)

3. Review the "demo package"

- set of selected examples / use cases

- Current state of Xtemp engine prototype (OSS hosting and license).

- draft of a primer doc to be included.






- Jacques Durand (Fujitsu America)


- Dale Moberg (Axway)


- Hyunbo Cho (Pohang Univ., Korea)



Action Items:




* AI-Nov16-1: [Cho] check with NIST and J.Woo for their interest in January F2F.


* AI-Nov16-2: [jacques] Confirm for January F2F and send logistic info.


* AI-Nov16-3: [jacques] Post update of demo package as well as spec draft 0.86.


* AI-Nov16-4: [jacques] Post tentative agenda for F2F.









'''1. Administration and Status:'''


- minutes Oct 19: approved.

- Action items: Cho completed his item (provide Tax invoice use case).

 AI-Apr20-3: Stephen (no longer OASIS member)is informally contributing from outside

on the comment list, e.g. updates on schema to make it consistent with latest XTemp syntax.

- F2F: Dale and Cho so far OK for a F2F in San Jose, Sunnyvale campus, 2 days on Jan 13-14.

Cho will notify NIST and J.Woo for their interest in January F2F.

- Jacques should circulate by end of November (a) complete draft of XTemp spec (0.86), (b)

updated demo package with draft User Guide. F2F should finalize these.

- Next conf call: Dec 14th.


'''2.Current status on specification draft (latest 0.86 to be posted):'''


- Jacques: still updating 0.85 (minor edits).

- What needs be finalized in 0.85/0.86:

o. Section 4 on Event Management: we need to keep there only what is relevant to the XTemp language.

There are things that we considered useful but that are not needed by XTemp, like the

"type" event header element. Event Adapter definition only makes sense to the extent

we have a "call adapter" statement in XTemp:

its detailed role in the architecture needs not be described beyond this.

o Section 5 (Conformance) needs to better define two levels of conformance:

(1) Full conformance to XTemp,

(2) Core XTemp Features conformance, which defines a subset of the language features.

- Jacques: "Core XTemp Features" is minimal set easy to implement, yet sufficient for most test apps.

- The prototype does a little more than Core XTemp.


'''3. Review of Demo Package (selected use cases + primer + prototype):'''


- Jacques posted an first draft of the XTemp Primer (rather than User Guide),

will be on Committee Note track.

- The Primer is introducing the examples and use cases of the demo package, and commenting

on them.

- What is probably missing in the Primer (?): a section at the end introducing the

XSLT translator prototype (since all use cases have been executed using this prototype,

on the "Core XTemp" assumptions.)

- the demo package: will contain 11 scripts:

- 6 "examples" that illustrate xtemp language features (not using event logs)

- 5 Use Cases that mimic some real monitoring/testing app, make use of event logs.

- this demo package will represent a TC deliverable ("committee note", not a standard)

- Cho will review the XTemp treatment of the NTS use case he contributed.

- jacques: Chuck M. is OK with posting the prototype on Google code, after approval of user guide

from TC, under Mozilla license..

- Jacques: checked with OASIS staff and Process committee about the restriction to OASIS members

only implementations, when lining-up three "statements of use" for OASIS Standard.

There may be a bit of hope for non-OASIS users who have submitted to an OSS org, to be counted.

- Jacques: for now, goal is to initiate a Public Review soon after Jan F2F, say early Feb 2011,

and vote a CS ideally end of 1Q2011, early 2Q.


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