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Subject: Re: [tosca-comment] Feedback on TOSCA 1.3 spec

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 5:49 PM adam souzis <adam@onecommons.org> wrote:
If this is an implementation detail than you are almost guaranteed to have interoperability issues between implementations. As it stands, right now it is valid for a template name to contain a line break or carriageÂreturn. Maybe your TOSCA implementation handles that but quite likely that template would not work properly in some other implementation. I can not think of a single vocabulary or programming language that allows any possible string to be treated as an identifier without some constraints. And your examples of where these identifiers could be used (e.g. "sql key columns, kubernetes deployment names") are actually an argument for restricting their syntax so they could easily work in all those contexts.

Are you saying that an arbitrary string can't be used as a VARCHAR or TEXT column key in SQL? I'm pretty sure you can put anything in there. As for programming languages, I don't know of a single one that can't use an arbitrary string as a key in a hashmap.

Perhaps you can give us a concrete example in which you tried to use a node template name in a context that could not accept an arbitrary string? What exactly are you trying to do?

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