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Subject: Re: [ubl-psc] SV: SV: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesdaythe 23rd of March 15 CET

Sure! Done. Please find attached the updated version of issue list (v27).

Best regards


Il 07/05/2010 10:03, Peter L. Borresen ha scritto:
002001caedbb$c7f17d80$57d47880$@dk" type="cite">

Hi Joao


I can confirm this. Arianna, will you please make sure that issues below ends up in the issuelist.


Best regards




Fra: Joao Frade [mailto:joao.frade@pwc.be]
Sendt: 6. maj 2010 23:00
Til: Tim McGrath
Cc: 'Andy Schoka (E-mail)'; 'Joao Frade'; 'Ole Ellerbæk Madsen'; Peter L. Borresen; ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org
Emne: Re: SV: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of March 15 CET


Hi Tim, Hi Peter,

For me it is fine like you propose. The important thing for us is that we do not forget it.

We really need these changes in UBL 2.1. It is just unfortunate that these "small" details cause so much trouble. We want to use the "Attached Document" to add attachments into a"Catalogue'" and it is almost impossible... We will concatenate the Parent Version ID with the ParentID and include the ItemID in a Note but it is not elegant...

Therefore, can you please confirm that:

1. We all agree that the reported issues are valid and should be taken onboard.

2. If not taken onboard now, they will be implemented after the 1st public review.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Joao Frade  |  Manager  |  PricewaterhouseCoopers* Performance Improvement Consulting
Woluwe Garden - Woluwedal 18
 |  B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe  |  www.pwc.be
+32 2 7109284  |  Fax +32 2 7107224  |  Mobile +32 477 842292  |  E-mail joao.frade@pwc.be
Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this e-mail and/or the attachment(s).

The Bid

*PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory cvba/scrl
Maatschappelijke zetel/Siège social: Woluwe Garden, Woluwedal 18, B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
BTW/TVA BE 0415.622.333 RPR Brussel/RPM Bruxelles
ING 310-1381196-02
This legal entity is a member of the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity

Tim McGrath <tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com>

06/05/2010 14:21


"Peter L. Borresen" <plb@ebconnect.dk>


"'Joao Frade'" <joao.frade@pwc.be>, "'Andy Schoka (E-mail)'" <aschoka@comcast.net>, 'Ole Ellerbæk Madsen' <OLEM@itst.dk>, ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org


Re: SV: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of March  15 CET


let me confirm Peter's proposal - the important milestone for getting a
UBL 2.1 is to start the public review process. Once this starts we can
then accept these type of issues for the inclusion before the second
review. Experience (and the OASIS rules) tell us it is not necessary to
have the first public review copy perfect. It seems there is always
'just one more item', so we have drawn the line for first draft.

If you agree we will record your comments and put them into the
'outstanding issues' list.

Peter L. Borresen wrote:
> Hi Joao
> UBL 2.1 is still open for request. But right now we are in a process
> of publishing 2.1 for public review. If we stop that process and
> update the schemas It will cause further delay. Is it acceptable for
> you that we take this as input for the review process even when it has
> not started yet?
> Best regards
> Peter
> *Fra:* Joao Frade [mailto:joao.frade@pwc.be]
> *Sendt:* 5. maj 2010 23:29
> *Til:* plb@ebconnect.dk; tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com
> *Cc:* 'Andy Schoka (E-mail)'; 'Ole Ellerbæk Madsen'; plb@ebconnect.dk;
> tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com; ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org
> *Emne:* Re: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of
> March 15 CET
> Hi Peter, Hi Tim, Hi everyone,
> I hope that this email finds you well.
> I am coming back to you on the issue which I have reported two months
> ago on the inclusion of the VersionID in the DocumentReferenceType.
> After further implementation work, we have noticed that the same issue
> happens in the “AttachedDocument”. We currently have the possibility
> to specify the “ParentDocumentID” and the “ParentDocumentTypeCode” but
> we should equally have the possibility to indicate the
> “ParentVersionID”. This element should of course be optional.
> Additionally, we would also like to have the possibility to specify in
> the “AttachedDocument” a “LineID” or “ItemID” so that attachments can
> be added to a specific item e.g. in the Catalogue. This element should
> also be optional.
> Please let me know if these comments can still be taken onboard. They
> are very important for e-PRIOR.
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> João
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joao Frade | Manager | PricewaterhouseCoopers* Performance Improvement
> Consulting
> Woluwe Garden - Woluwedal 18 | B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe | www.pwc.be
> <
> Tel +32 2 7109284 | Fax +32 2 7107224 | Mobile +32 477 842292 | E-mail
> joao.frade@pwc.be
> Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this
> e-mail and/or the attachment(s).
> The Bid
> <
> *PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory cvba/scrl
> Maatschappelijke zetel/Siège social: Woluwe Garden, Woluwedal 18,
> B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
> BTW/TVA BE 0415.622.333 RPR Brussel/RPM Bruxelles
> ING 310-1381196-02
> This legal entity is a member of the network of member firms of
> PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a
> separate and independent legal entity
> *Joao Frade/BE/GRM/PwC*
> 24/03/2010 18:44
> To
> plb@ebconnect.dk
> cc
> "'Andy Schoka \(E-mail\)'" <aschoka@comcast.net>, "'Ole Ellerbæk
> Madsen'" <OLEM@itst.dk>, "Peter L. Borresen" <plb@ebconnect.dk>,
> tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com, ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject
> Re: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of March 15
> CETLink
> <
> Hi Peter,
> I would like to inform you that we found a glitch in the
> “DocumentStatusRequest”. It is in fact an issue which we came across
> when implementing e-Catalogue.
> There are documents which are not subject to versioning e.g. the
> Invoice but for some others the version is actually almost mandatory
> e.g. Catalogue.
> Therefore, the versionID should be included as optional element in the
> DocumentReferenceType.
> What do you think?
> Sorry for the late comment, I hope that you can still take it onboard.
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> João
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joao Frade | Manager | PricewaterhouseCoopers* Performance Improvement
> Consulting
> Woluwe Garden - Woluwedal 18 | B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe | www.pwc.be
> <
> Tel +32 2 7109284 | Fax +32 2 7107224 | Mobile +32 477 842292 | E-mail
> joao.frade@pwc.be
> Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this
> e-mail and/or the attachment(s).
> *PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory cvba/scrl
> Maatschappelijke zetel/Siège social: Woluwe Garden, Woluwedal 18,
> B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
> BTW/TVA BE 0415.622.333 RPR Brussel/RPM Bruxelles
> ING 310-1381196-02
> This legal entity is a member of the network of member firms of
> PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a
> separate and independent legal entity
> *Joao Frade/BE/GRM/PwC*
> 23/03/2010 16:17
> To
> "Peter L. Borresen" <plb@ebconnect.dk>
> cc
> "'Andy Schoka \(E-mail\)'" <aschoka@comcast.net>, "'Joao Frade'"
> <joao.frade@pwc.be>, "'Ole Ellerbæk Madsen'" <OLEM@itst.dk>,
> ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org, tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com
> Subject
> Re: eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of March 15
> CETLink
> <
> Hi Peter,
> It was nice talking with you today. As agreed, I am sending you my
> comments on the latest release of the UBL schemas:
> - As part of the “AllowanceCharge” element we should have the
> possibility to specify a “PerUnitAmount”. This would be an optional
> element which when used would mean that the “Amount” of the “Allowance
> Charge” is equal to the PerUnitAmount * the Quantity of Items at the
> specific line level or, when used at the header level, the total
> number of items.
> - We should be able to specify the Item’s warranty terms in the Order
> message. This means that we should add the “WarrantyValidityPeriod”
> and perhaps “WarrantyParty” to the Order Line.
> Additionally, the AttachedDocument is currently not included in the
> package distributed for review.
> Thank you very much for your cooperation and support.
> Please let me know if you require additional information from me.
> Best regards,
> João
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joao Frade | Manager | PricewaterhouseCoopers* Performance Improvement
> Consulting
> Woluwe Garden - Woluwedal 18 | B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe | www.pwc.be
> <
> Tel +32 2 7109284 | Fax +32 2 7107224 | Mobile +32 477 842292 | E-mail
> joao.frade@pwc.be
> Please consider the impact on the environment before printing this
> e-mail and/or the attachment(s).
> *PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory cvba/scrl
> Maatschappelijke zetel/Siège social: Woluwe Garden, Woluwedal 18,
> B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
> BTW/TVA BE 0415.622.333 RPR Brussel/RPM Bruxelles
> ING 310-1381196-02
> This legal entity is a member of the network of member firms of
> PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a
> separate and independent legal entity
> *"Peter L. Borresen" <plb@ebconnect.dk>*
> 19/03/2010 11:37
> To
> <ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org>
> cc
> "'Andy Schoka \(E-mail\)'" <aschoka@comcast.net>, "'Ole Ellerbæk
> Madsen'" <OLEM@itst.dk>, "'Joao Frade'" <joao.frade@pwc.be>
> Subject
> eview of schemas, meeting in the PSC Tuesday the 23rd of March 15 CET
> Dear all
> The PSC is been given a task of reviewing the schemas (now there are
> 50) at
> Therefore I would like to call in for a PSC meeting Tuesday the 23^rd
> of March 15.00 CET at
> Skype: +9900827043982678
> US/Canada toll-free: 1-888-350-0075
> International: 201-793-9022
> "Conference Room Number": 3982678 then #
> (applies only if calling one of the phone numbers)
> Agenda:
> 1) Review of the schemas
> 2) Any other business
> I have allowed myself to distribute some task to the group:
> Andy and the TSC: Review Transport schemas.
> Oriol: Review Tendering schemas
> Sven: Review Catalogue schemas
> Martin: Review Ordering schemas
> Peter (me): Review Sourcing schemas.
> Georg: Review Billing schemas
> Joao: Review ApplicationResponse, Attachment, DocumentStatus,
> DocumentStatusRequest
> Roberto: Review RemittanceAdvice, Statement
> Ole: Review Utillity Statement
> Arianna: Review eBiz schemas (Stock Availbillity Report, Instructions
> for returns, Invetory report, Product Activity
> Fulya: Review the CPRF schemas (ExceptionCriteria,
> ExceptinNotification, ForeCast, ForeCastRequest,
> ItemInformationRequest, ProductActivity, RetailEvent)
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