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uddi-spec-chair message

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Subject: Request to join UDDI Specification TC Approved

You have been added as an "Observer" of the UDDI Spec TC.
If you intend to sign up as a "Prospective Member" you must first contact the Chairs by email (mailto:bellwood@us.ibm.com,tony.rogers@ca.com) and cc: the secretary (mailto:luc@iclement.net) to request this status. Once this request has been acknowledged by one of the Chairs, you will be enrolled as a "Prospective Member" and you will have to wait the sooner of 60 days or three meetings before becoming a voting member of the TC. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the requirements for maintaining good-standing as a member - either Prospective or Voting Member. Once you become a member, you will need to adhere to the OASIS TC rules to keep our good standings with the TC: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#termination.
Thanks for your interest.
Tom Bellwood, IBM, Co-chair
Tony Rogers, Computer Associates, Co-chair

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