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Subject: RE: [virtio] [PATCH] virtio-net subcommittee proposal

> From: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@redhat.com>
> Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 10:58 AM
> Why not just do this in the VIRTIO TC?
> The workflow and infrastructure for developing the VIRTIO spec already exists.
> A weekly or bi-weekly virtio-net call can be scheduled.

> Are you hitting scalability bottlenecks or limitations with the current VIRTIO TC?

May be.
SC is mainly networking specific interested members who has the described mission and SOP.
This requires interworking on many features, discussion, and design in phased approach like suggested above.

Also it is too much of the ask for the whole TC to get involved in such process.
Better to start with forum that is focused on mission and SOP, committed to deliver on agreed timeline in 4 step approach.

Few months later when operation works fine, may be main TC can also adopt similar approach to wider level.

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