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Subject: Re: [PATCH v12 05/10] pci: add admin vq registers to virtio over pci

On 4/24/2023 6:06 PM, Max Gurtovoy wrote:

+If VIRTIO_F_ADMIN_VQ has been negotiated, and if the driver
+configures any administration virtqueues, the driver MUST
+configure the administration virtqueues using the index
+in the range \field{admin_queue_index} to
+\field{admin_queue_index} + \field{admin_queue_num} - 1 inclusive.
+The driver MAY configure less administration virtqueues than
+supported by the device.

we need to say something about other virtq's indexes.
For example, if aq index = 0 then for the vblk device the request queues would start from index = 1.

can we address this ?

It may slightly complicate the device implementation when device dynamically changes the VQ indices based on the negotiation of the feature bit.
Also the drivers with and without need a different VQ index handling.

I am thinking that aq index should not overlap with the vq index in range exposed by num_queues field.

This also aligns to the exclusion of aq count from num_queues field.

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