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Subject: RE: [virtio-comment] [PATCH REQUIREMENTS v2 0/7] virtio net new features requirements

> From: Xuan Zhuo <xuanzhuo@linux.alibaba.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 10:21 PM

> Under your promotion, I think the advancement of these tasks has been
> relatively fast. But I'm wondering when we expect these things to be done.
There has been delay in last 10 days due to some unplanned tasks.

Device counters and ntuple is very clear multi-vendor and multi-user requirements.
So lets finish both the requirements by 26th of July.
By mid august we can complete the design and draft for both by 1st week of sept.
> I also want to know, do you plan to release specs one by one, or these related
> specs together. I would like to know about related plans.
Yes, we don't need to put all in one patchset.
In last few meetings we already identified requirements that can be divisible as individual one to progress.
Counters and ntuple are on top.

> We very much hope that these tasks, especially features such as device counter,
> n-tuple receive flow filters requirements, and packet timestamp can be
> completed within this year. The sooner the better.

Packet timestamp requires new VQ desc format because it has direct impact on how many DMAs are done and how we pack them.
So how about we get to this after, we finish the ntuple and counters, in mid sept?
We can design new VQ format for latency + timestamp in one go from Sept onwards before Dec.

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