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ws-calendar message

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Subject: Request for Special Majority Vote

In an error, we voted in TC for to advance the WS-Calendar MIN and Streams specifications that recently completed public review as Committee Specifications.


 When reviewing the submission forms this morning, I realized there was no submission form as the process requires that I request a  a Special Majority Vote for the advancement of the draft as a Committee Specification. THe minutes above record the TC's resolution, including the location of the editable versions of the files and any other ballot details.

The minutes further authorize that I provide you with any assistance you require to make sure that the XML artifact (part of STRMS) be edited to include the appropriate OASIS header and copyright information.

No further comments were received during the public review for either specification.

One modification is requested to the Streams specification, to reflect that the normative reference to vAvailability be updated. During August, the IETF assigned an RFC Number to this specification. Accordingly, I request that as part of publication the normative reference

 [vAvailability]       C. Daboo, M. Douglas: Calendar Availability, https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-calext-availability-01 Internet Draft, November 2015.


be replaced with the updated reference:


[vAvailability]        C. Daboo, M. Douglas: Calendar Availability, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7953, Proposed Standard, August 2016.

Thank you for your prompt assistance.


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